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Youth Service is Rotary's fifth Avenue of Service. The District 5770 Youth Service Committee interfaces with the district Interact, Rotaract, RYLA, and Youth Exchange program committees.
This district committee concept is to assist the other youth committees and their programs in common areas such as youth protection, criminal background checks, crisis management, and promotion in a centralized manner rather than each program having to address these items individually. Each district youth committee should have a liaison representative on the Youth Service Committee to ensure continuity and communications among the respective programs. This committee helps standardize and strengthen the programs allowing each committee more time to focus on operations rather than common administrative duties.
The committee focus during 2016-2017 is to organize and function as described above. Volunteers are solicited to make this concept a reality.
Russ Davoren, Norman Cross Timbers RC , 405 329-8882Click on NEW GENERATIONS links on the left side of this page for more information.
NOTE: Each Youth Service program has a separate link under SITE PAGES.