Every spring, the University of Oklahoma (OU) Rotaract Club does its part to help in Rotary International’s fight to eradicate polio through the PolioPlus Campaign. Since its inception in 1985, the PolioPlus program has helped save the lives of more than two billion children. The thought of a polio free world is what inspired Rotary International’s PolioPlus program and it is what continues to fuel it.
Like past years, the OU Rotaractors will hold their PolioPlus Week on Campus with events every day on the south Oval to raise money for and awareness of PolioPlus. The culmination of PolioPlus week is The OU Rotaract PolioPlus Benefit Banquet. This is their largest event and fundraiser for the year. Support their enthusiasm and hard work as they are potential Rotarians and hope for the future of Rotary.
Speaker: John F. Germ, current vice chair of Fund Development for PolioPlus
Date: April 16th, doors open at 6PM
Time: Dinner starts at 7PM
Location: The Associates Room - 3rd floor - The Oklahoma Memorial Union at The University of Oklahoma
Click here for online and mail-in registration
Click here for link to OU website
Click on the word MORE below to learn about John F. Germ, the banquet speaker.
Director, Rotary International 2003-2005
Vice President, Rotary International 2004-2005
Vice Chairman, The Rotary Foundation, 2009-2011
Trustee, The Rotary Foundation 2008-2012
John is Chairman of the Board of Campbell & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers. He joined the firm as an engineer in 1965 after four years in the United States Air Force. In Chattanooga, he has been active as the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Boy Scouts, Junior Achievement, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee and Campaign Chairman of the United Way. He also serves on the Board of Trustees Directors and Executive Committee of Orange Grove Center, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga School of Business Advisory Board, Executive Committee and Board of Directors Public Education Foundation, Past President and Treasurer of Chattanooga State Technical Community College Foundation, Chairman of Board Blood Assurance, Inc., a Regional Blood Center, and President of the Tennessee Jaycee Foundation. He has served on several community boards and is a past president of the Tennessee Jaycees. He was recognized as Tennessee Young Man of the Year for 1970 and is a recipient of the Boy Scouts Silver Beaver Award, Circle of Hope Award by the Arthritis Foundation, Volunteer Fund raiser of the Year Award and MS Dinner of Champions Award. He was recognized as the Tennessee Organization Volunteer of the Year in 2009. He was recognized by the White House as a Champion of Change in 2013.
John joined Rotary in 1976 and has served Rotary International as President of the Rotary Club of Chattanooga 1993-94, District Governor 1996-97, District and Zone Trainer 1999-2002, Eastern N.A. Coordinator Community Concerns Task Force 1998-99, International Institute Committee (Anaheim, CA) 1998-99, Centennial Planning Committee 1999-2000, Polio Plus Partners Task Force 1998-2001, Membership Development Task Force 2000-01, Membership Zone Coordinator 2001-02, Assistant Chairman Polio Plus Partners Task Force 2001-02, International Assembly Training Leader 2000-01 and 2002-03, Delegate to the Council of Legislation 2001, member of the Council on Legislation 2004, 2007,2010, & 2013, Executive Committee of the Board of Directors 2004-05, Joint Committee of the Board of Directors and The Rotary Foundation 2004-05 and 2009-2011, R.I. Audit Committee 2003-2009, Nominating Committee for President of RI 2008-09, 2011-2012, 2012-13 and 2014-15. He served on the RI Board of Directors for 2003-05 and as Vice President 2004-05, member of the 2007 and 2008 International Assembly Committee and Chairman of the 2007 & 2013 Council on Legislation, Vice Chair Rotary Centers Major Gift Initiative 2007-08. He served as aide to President Wilf Wilkinson, Presidents Advisory Committee, (2007-08) Advisory Committee Member for the 2008 International Convention and Vice Chairman of the International Convention, 2012. Chair of the 2012 International Convention Promotion Committee. He served as Chairman of Rotary’s US$ 200 Million Challenge Committee, which raised 228.7m for Polio Eradication, Vice Chair of the Rotary Foundation 2009-11 and as Trustee of The Rotary Foundation 2008-2012. He served on the Rotary Foundation Finance Committee 2008-12, Vice Chair of TRF Stewardship Committee 2008-12, Investment Advisory Committee 2008-09 and Chair of the Investment Advisory Committee, 2010-12, He currently serves on the International Polio
Plus Committee and as Vice Chair for 2012-14 and aide to Trustee Chair D.K. Lee. He has received Rotary International’s Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award. He and his wife, Judy, are Major Donors and members of the Arch Klumph Society of the Rotary Foundation. They have four children and five grandchildren.